Darshan Academy,

“Learnt empathizing with other beings”

I feel special when I am being called a Darshanite . The school has given us all platform to raise our level. Teachers always boost our energy. The subject that has inspired not only me but my all classmates that is the spiritual curriculum. Earlier I was not so serious about helping others but now somehow I have realized that I cannot stop myself from helping needy. Honestly, I am more concerned to animals as they cannot express their pain to anyone. So, whenever I see any animal in pain I try my best to help them. As once I was coming from school it was raining and I saw 5-6 homeless puppies. I took all the puppies to a house which was under construction though they were scaring from me but when I covered them with a piece of cloth and gave biscuits to eat, they felt very happy. This incident made me overjoyed.  

Ashika Vats


Ashika Vats

Darshan Academy helped me in enhancing my empathetic attitude towards other beings.



" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."