Darshan Academy Ambala organized an internal workshop for the new teachers. The workshop began with a review of the four DA Agreements. The sign language of the Agreements was also reviewed by the teachers with the help of a Power Point Presentation. After a detailed 
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Great achievements require great dedication.   Students of Darshan Academy, Ambala, participated in the International English Olympiad conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF). Navdeep, a student in grade 2, and Gurbaaz, a student in grade 4, clinched the gold medal of excellence. Other students 
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Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.   Students of Darshan Academy, Ambala, engaged in an activity using humble words. The activity aimed to cultivate an understanding of the importance of humility in communication and interactions. It 
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Show And Tell competitions inspire students to explore, express, and engage, fostering a culture of curiosity and discovery. Darshan Academy, Ambala, organized a show-and-tell competition to strengthen verbal skills and foster the public speaking competency of young minds. The students participated in this activity, which 
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Your voice has the power to inspire, to motivate, to ignite change. Darshan Academy, Ambala, recently hosted a captivating declamation competition, underscoring the school’s commitment to nurturing holistic development through extracurricular activities. The event, a cornerstone of the school’s extracurricular activities, showcased the students’ ability 
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Success is not measured by the grades you receive, but by the knowledge and wisdom you gain. The students of Darshan Academy, Ambala   participated in the National Science Olympiad (NSO) conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation. The students achieved remarkable success in the Olympiad. 
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The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The first day of school at Darshan Academy, Ambala, marked the beginning of a new academic session filled with excitement, anticipation, and a sense of camaraderie among students and teachers alike. A variety of 
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Darshan Academy Ambala celebrated Kindergarten Annual Day with great enthusiasm and fervor. The stage was adorned with a breathtaking display of flowers with colourful streamers and balloons. The theme of the annual day was “Enlightening Minds and Illuminating Souls.” The event commenced with a heartwarming 
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Bharat Vikas Parishad Charitable Diagnostic Centre organised a dental check-up camp at Darshan Academy, Ambala, to ensure the oral health of Darshanites. Dentist Dr. Simran Jeet Singh conducted check-ups, provided dental awareness talks and educated students about preventing tooth decay and gum diseases. The camp 
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Darshan Academy, Ambala celebrated Kirpal Week of Loving Kindness from February 1 to 6. This special week was celebrated in honour of the spiritual Master Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj’s birthday. The school campus was vibrating with spiritual vibes, spreading the message of loving kindness 
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"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "