Darshan Academy, Ambala teachers have taken advantage of the pleasant weather by doing yoga on the school lawn. A few minutes of yoga can be a great way to relieve stress and keep fit. Teachers enjoyed learning about the anatomy and different benefits of each 
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Darshan Academy, Ambala, organized an internal workshop on methodology attended by the school headmistress and all staff members. Topics included presentations on the philosophy and purpose of the four learning styles: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and reading/writing. The teachers used a wide variety of materials for 
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Students of Darshan Academy, Ambala, learnt about organic farming by planting vegetables and fruit plants. The science teacher made the children aware of various parts of plants. They also learned about the benefits of organic farming and the disadvantages of using synthetic chemical fertilizers and 
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Darshan Academy, Ambala, organized an internal workshop of a spiritual talk attended by the principal and staff members. The purpose of the workshop was to enhance spiritual understanding through the inspirational video talk by DEF founder chairman, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj.  According to Maharaj 
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Darshan Academy, Ambala, organized an investiture ceremony for the academic session 2022-23 with great pomp and dignity by entrusting its upcoming leaders with specific roles and responsibilities. The deserving students were tasked with leading the school with their commitment, confidence and competency. It was a 
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On June 21, 2022, Darshan Academy, Ambala, celebrated International Yoga Day virtually.  The sports teacher, Mrs. Rita Puri, relayed the importance of yoga in our day-to-day life. The students were excited and energetic in doing the yoga poses and sharing their photographs with class teachers. 
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Sports are an important part of our culture and have a lot to teach us about life. Sports give us the opportunity to be our best and push our limits. Nineteen students of Darshan Academy, Ambala participated in Jump Rope Championship Session 2022-2023 organised by 
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Motherhood: All love begins and ends there. Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring the mother and motherhood, the maternal bond, and the influence of mothers in society. The young, enthusiastic, and adorable Darshanites of the primary wing celebrated this special day with lots of fun 
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Students of Darshan Academy, Ambala, celebrated Earth Day with a medley of educational and fun activities, including slogan writing, drawing competitions, and tree planting. The students of the nursery wing were dressed in different shades of green and learnt of its significance. They also carried 
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An orientation program was held at Darshan Academy, Ambala, through a Zoom Meeting for the parents of the new students on April 1, 2022.  The purpose of the program was to make the new parents aware of the school’s philosophy and mission and tell them 
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"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "